Apartment Homes MOD + data
You need to find the right apartment - like, yesterday. It’s got to have specific amenities and be within your budget. is here to help.
The mobile app allows you to:
• Find out what residents think of the property - read real ratings and reviews you can trust from actual residents.
• Explore trusted listings from sources that are verified by
• Check out listings stamped with our Legit badge - they’ve been personally visited or otherwise vetted by us.
• Take a virtual tour with our exclusive HD videos and panoramic tours with 360-degree views of the exteriors, interiors, and amenities of select apartments.
• View HD apartment photos and floor-plan images for a glimpse of what each unit has to offer.
• Use advanced search tools and filters to narrow in on your perfect rental.
• Find apartments in specific locations using a map or text view of listings.
• Save your favorites to My Rent to easily access them again and again.
• Call or email apartments directly from the app.
• Send your Renter Card to apartments and stand out from other renters.
The perfect apartment within your budget is out there. Use the app to help you find it.